Start Time: 11:00 PM
End Date: February 9, 2023
End Time: 1:00 AM
TO REGISTER: Pre-registration is required. Please contact Northeast Passage at 603-862-0070 or or register online on our calendar. These events are offered at no cost to you.
The Northeast Passage office is closed from December 24 -January 3. Please register online, send us an email or leave a message and we will happily take care of your registration when we return. Happy Holidays!
FLY TYING – Durham, NH
Join us for an evening of fly tying open to all Veterans. Northeast Passage has started a chapter of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and now has fly tying vices, tools, and materials available for programming. Three Rivers Stocking Association volunteers will be able provide instruction and expertise in all aspects of fly tying process. We will be tying both freshwater and saltwater flies throughout the winter so we are ready for the upcoming fishing season!
Dates: January 25, February 8, February 22, March 8, March 22, April 5 from 6:00-8:00pm
Funding for this program was awarded to Northeast Passage through a grant from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing.